Jessica Alba Producing TV Show by a Tweeting Mom

Jessica Alba took notice of one particular stay-at-home mom who gained popularity through her blog and Twitter feeds. The actress works with CBS TV Studios to develop "Mother of All Something" which script is written by mother of three, Kelly Oxford.

Oxford has more than 67,000 followers on Twitter and a heavy traffic on her blog which was created back in 1997. She mostly writes her view of various things like pop culture and current events. Her latest tweets include one-liners like "At night, my iPad becomes an expensive flashlight" and "I've been to two U2 concerts. Not really a fan, I just like to feel like I'm in a really long Coke commercial".

However, Oxford who will be named a supervising producer on the project said that it won't be based on her tweets because she wrote the script last Spring and sold it to CBS months ago. Alba will be the executive producer along with "Will & Grace" alumna Jhoni Marchinko who is also in charge of supervising the pilot.

The Eye has been expanding its horizon to find the source for a good TV show. It successfully launched "$#*! My Dad Says" which is based on Twitter feeds and has ordered for two other pilots, namely "Dear Girls Above Me" and "Shh... Don't Tell Steve".