The Munsters monster make-up display...

The Munsters was a TV comedy which ran from 1964 to 1966 and starred a family of monsters. 'Herman Munster' resembled Frankenstein's creation, his wife 'Lily' and 'Grandpa' (her father) were vampires, their young son 'Eddie' a werewolf and their niece 'Marilyn', was a normal human girl.

The Munsters make-up display at Universal Studios Orlando
The Munsters make-up display
Herman Munster make-up display Universal
The Munsters life cast make-up

The Munsters TV Show
The Munsters TV show
Fred Gwynne played 'Herman Munster' and his Frankenstein's monster make-up, along with the looks for the other Munsters were designed under the guidance of Bud Westmore by Karl Silvera, Per Westmore, Abe Haberman and Mike Westmore.

Make-up worn by Fred Gwynne as Herman Munster
Herman Munster make-up castHerman Munster make-upFred Gwynne Herman Munster make-up
Al Lewis played 'Grandpa' and this life cast of the actor's face was on display at Universal Orlando's Horror Make-up Show in Florida on September 23, 2010.

Al Lewis life cast for Grandpa
Al Lewis Grandpa life cast The MunstersAl Lewis life cast Grandpa The Munsters
Buy the original TV series: The Munsters: The Complete Series