Sushmita Sen to endorse international cosmetic brand

Actress Sushmita Sen was Monday appointed as the brand ambassador of JAFRA Ruchi Cosmetics India Private Limited, a joint venture between US-based cosmetic brand JAFRA and Indian firm Ruchi Soya Industries.
The company will also be training women in marketing its products, thereby creating job opportunities.
Sushmita said she was glad to be part of a movement for the betterment of women in India.
“I am glad that in my country, where there is a majority of women who are not educated, now there is a platform where they can come and train not just to make a living and empower themselves, but also bring about a development in their personality,” Sushmita told reporters here.
The 35-year-old has also been appointed as an honorary consultant with the company.
She urged women to be part of the training process, and said that the company provided a platform through which they can earn some extra money and at the same time be part of a worldwide network of sales consultants.
“This works like a pyramid – there are mentors and then there are people under them, and then there are new entrants, who are trained to sell these cosmetics door-to-door. Though I don’t see myself yet going door-to-door selling JAFRA products, but at some point, I would love doing that too,” she smiled.
Registrations for the training programme opened Oct 18. Over 800 women have signed up already, the company said, adding that it aimed to enrol 10,000 women by the year-end.