Original 'Max' costume from Where The Wild Things Are...

This is the original costume worn by Max Records as 'Max' in Spike Jonze's adaptation of Maurice Sendak's beloved picture book Where The Wild Things Are.

Where The Wild Things Are costume exhibit
at ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema
Where The Wild Things Are Max movie costume display
These photographs were taken on October 20, 2009 at ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema in L.A.

Actual 'Max' costume worn by Max Records
in the Where The Wild Things Are movie
Max film costume Where The Wild Things Are
Where The Wild Things Are actual Max movie outfit
In the fantasy movie young 'Max' runs away from home to an island of wild and dangerous monsters and is crowned their king.

Where The Wild Things Are movie poster
Where The Wild Things Are movie poster
'Max' wears the wolf play suit at home and runs away from home in it after throwing a tantrum and biting his mother when she tries to restrain him. He finds the crown on the island amongst the remains of previous 'kings'.

Wolf suit and crown worn by 'Max' in Where The Wild Things Are
Where The Wild Things Are Max movie costume
Original Max costume Where The Wild Things Are movie
Finally enjoy this short video clip of the fantastic costume of display in the ArcLight Sherman Oaks cinema foyer.

Where The Wild Things Are 'Max' film poster
Max Where The Wild Things Are movie poster
Visit Jason in Hollywood for a movie review of Where The Wild Things Are.

Buy the original Maurice Sendak book: Where the Wild Things Are