9 movie sketches and stills on display...

To celebrate the opening of animated sci-fi fantasy movie, 9, on September 9, 2009 (great release date by the way), ArcLight Hollywood had this collection of character concept sketches and movie stills on display in its cinema foyer on September 6, 2009.

9 movie exhibit at Arclight Hollywood cinema in L.A.
9 movie sketches and stills display
The film 9 takes place in a parallel world to our own, in a post-apocalyptic future, where all humans are gone and a group of sentient rag dolls or 'Stitchpunks' hide from terrifying machines.

Character designs for Stitchpunk 7 and other creatures in the movie 9
9 movie concept sketches
The artwork describes 7 as a rebel, a loner, a warrior-female, fearless and fine and brave.

9 movie poster
9 movie poster
Along with being the film title, 9 is also the name of the titular character of the movie, who convinces this group of rag-tag survivors they must fight back in order to survive.

9 movie sketches and stills display
9 movie sketches and stills
9 movie character sketches
Visit Jason in Hollywood for a movie review of 9.

Buy the movie soundtrack in the USA: 9