Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio movie costumes from Revolutionary Road...

These mid-1950's inspired costumes were worn by Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet in the Sam Mendes directed film Revolutionary Road

Leonardo DiCaprio's suit and Kate Winslet's dress 
from Revolutionary Road
Movie costumes from Revolutionary Road
Based on a novel by Richard Yates, the movie follows the story of 'Frank' (Leo) and 'April Wheeler' (Kate) living an unhappy conventional life in the suburbs of Connecticut as their marriage disintegrates.

Leonardo DiCaprio's 1950's suit from Revolutionary Road
Leonardo DiCaprio's 1950s suit from Revolutionary Road

Revolutionary Road movie poster
Revolutionary Road movie poster

Kate Winslet's 1950's dress from Revolutionary Road
Kate Winslet 1950s dress from Revolutionary Road
The costume designs are by Albert Wolsky who was nominated for an Oscar for Revolutionary Road at the 81st Annual Academy Awards, his seventh nomination in total.

Revolutionary Road costumes designed by 
Oscar Nominee Albert Wolsky
Original Revolutionary Road 1950s film costumes
The costumes were on display at ArcLight Hollywood cinema on December 16, 2008.

Buy the DVD in the USA: Revolutionary Road